One of our targets is to achieve the maintenance and improvement of the facilities to ensure its correct functioning. In this way, we can achieve very good performance of the different phases of the water.
Water management implies the responsibility of guaranteeing a continuous supply without incident, and then, when the intervention of ASPIRTRUCK provides solutions to restore the usual process quickly and efficiently.
For treatment on the sludge line, it is necessary to monitor the amount of sludge that accumulates in the decanter It consists of three phases of mud treatment.
Thrust, drying with centrifuge, you are drying, etc. and transport to an authorized landfill.
At the moment we extract mud, we do not use water to dilute them. That is why the material is removed and transported to the authorized operator, without the need to increase its weight and can continue the drying process without repeating any additional phase. In addition, it represents an economic saving, since the liquid intake in landfills triples the costs of the rates and with this system we avoid an extra tonnage.
Within the sanitation and water purification cycle, with ASPIRTRUCK, they can intervene in various processes, adapting to places where conventional machinery cannot reach them, from being a common problem in the sector to an application more than service we offer, providing immediate solutions.
The range of action offered by ASPIRTRUCK grows day by day, responding to customer demands, guaranteeing a fast, safe, and efficient job. Our technical department studies especially the different situations that occur during water management, to collaborate with specific actions, in order to facilitate the entire process from sourcing to purification.
During the process of water sanitation, to solvent retention deposits, we find the sand wells, , that retain the sand that circulates through the network, through a bottom below the conduits that arrive.
This accumulated sand must be extracted so that the well is not saturated, and this is where ASPIRTRUCK intervenes, aspiring this material with the ease and speed that characterizes it. The place is in a short time and with minimal intervention by the operators, suitable to continue fulfilling its function.
Every day we specialize more in the intervention during the process of the water cycle, providing several solutions adapted to each situation. Our participation in the different WWTPs, demonstrates the proven efficacy of ASPIRTRUCK, as well as in the occasional cleaning of digesters, tanks, caskets, etc., as well as in the general maintenance of plants in all sectors.
In each EDAR, access to digesters is different and with ASPIRTRUCK we can reach anywhere. In this case they raised 12 m of hose to enter through the man's mouth above the digester to empty, until the decrease of the material allowed to continue aspiring by the lower man's mouth. The material extracted from our truck can be transferred to a tank, to take it to another tank for subsequent drying.
This time, we extracted a total of 200 m3 of sludge, approximately, in 20 hours. With our innovative system for direct aspiration without adding water to dilute the material, we have achieved in a very small time, a work that usually with the conventional means, involves much more difficulty and time.
There are also common situations that require periodic interventions. For this reason, we study and develop new applications of ASPIRTRUCK, in order to offer solutions throughout the process of water management. One of the most improbable tasks he has done is the aspiration of Lemna Gibba (well-known as "water lentil"), an aquatic plant that blooms mainly during the spring and early summer, appearing and breeding rapidly during the treatment of wastewater.
This plant forms a layer on the surface of the water, which prevents the passage of the sunlight necessary for the cultivation of purifying algae. It achieves a much faster and more efficient work than using the conventional means.